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After almost a full year of work, a young Slovakian designer Martin Vargic Introducing new products internet map, 2021 updates. This fun and wide-ranging project (each country represents a site/URL) aims to provide a concise but comprehensive visualization of the current situation. world wide web today.

Inspired by the design of historical maps, we document the largest and most popular websites (over the period 2020-2021) along with their myriad aspects and features. (Click here for high-resolution map)

It contains thousands of the most popular websites, represented as different “countries”. These are grouped together with other websites of similar types or categories, forming dozens of different clusters, regions, and continents spread across the map. “News site”, “Search engine”, “Social network”, “E-commerce”, “Adult entertainment”, “File sharing”, “Software company” “Writing a university report,” etc.

This detailed map shows the extremely rapid evolution of the Internet.

Your website’s color scheme is based on the primary color of your user interface or logo. To add further details and provide deeper insight, the many features and services provided by these websites, their sections and content categories, and their individual content authors are categorized by cities and towns (of which there are 10,000 (well over 20%).

2021 internet world map

At its core are the ISPs and web browsers that form the core and backbone of the Internet as we know it, with its southernmost edge being the mysterious realm of the “dark web.”See high resolution of the map here

2021 internet world map

Although the founders and CEOs of websites are represented as capitals, hundreds of the most popular users and celebrities of social networks are in the realm of Youtube, Facebook or Twitter. Mountains, hills, oceans, and valleys represent different aspects of the Internet, its culture, and computer science as a whole, and nearly 100 of the most important Internet and computing pioneers also named underwater ridges. appears on the map. .

From 200 to 3000 “countries”

it is Martin Vargic An amateur designer in his 20s who is the origin of . And it’s not his first attempt. Inspired by online community map (2007) by designer Randall Munroe, who has already released three planispheres in 2014-2015. However, these planispheres only include about 200 of his websites, while the media points out that the 2021 edition includes nearly 3,000. insider , sufficient reflect on The ultra-rapid expansion of the web and the fierce competition that reigns there

This work was originally inspired by Randall Munro’s Map of Online Communities, and further inspired by his own Map of the Internet 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0, previously published in 2014-2015. I received it.

See high resolution of the map here

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