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When weighing the success of your business, it’s important that your product and technology teams sing the same hymn. If it fails, it is very likely that the effort put in by both parties will be undone.

Lack of alignment can be a big problem. Products that don’t solve customer problems or improve the customer experience. Development that never yields results. Release cycles are so long that when an update is finally released, everyone is already demanding the next big thing. It doesn’t just impact your bottom line. Reputation and customer loyalty may also take a hit.

So how can you ensure your products and technology work together and fast-forward to the right outcome every step of the way?

Spoiler alert: it’s from above. A clear strategy that defines what everyone is working towards and how they will go about it (beyond just setting overarching goals). But first, you need to get the basics right. In other words, people need to know that they can fail.

#1 Create a culture…and innovation will happen.

The importance of culture to achieving desired business results is nothing new. Whether it’s implementing technology to drive digital transformation or rolling out new systems, processes and policies.

This is also the starting point for product and technology alignment. The way we see it, it’s important to give the team space to win. And also about allowing people to fail by providing a safe environment where they know it’s okay to try things that might not work. It’s all part of the process. For products and technology, it means finding new ways to improve what customers get (the service or product) and the engine that powers it (the technology). As we will explain, understanding on both sides is important. For an innovation cycle to work, one needs to know not only the successes, but also the failures of the other.

#2 Think collaboration instead of confrontation

And we will work together. When there is tension between two teams that, by their nature, need to work in different ways and focus on different tasks, it’s harder than it sounds. And we’re under tremendous pressure to do both. From the technology side, there is a growing list of sometimes conflicting priorities from different directions, including product ownership, security, and data governance. On the product side, you not only need to satisfy stakeholders from the CEO to sales, marketing, and finance, but you also need to consider what’s best for your customers.

The benefit of building a relationship between products and technologies is that each begins to “understand” the other. It could be a regular product review meeting, a daily standup, or his Slack channel where an engineer or product manager talks about an experiment they just ran. There are many ways to connect teams and visualize progress, not just issues. Even better, expanding cross-functional teams to include stakeholders from other parts of the business is a great way to ensure that both product and technology roles are understood and valued by the larger organization. Helpful.

#3 Keep your purpose simple

In some cases, the difficulty in aligning products and technologies lies in the disconnect between their respective goals. Generally speaking, technology is focused on the pipeline and product is focused on the customer. But setting overarching business goals is what unites them. Increase revenue? How to increase conversions? Whatever it is, it needs to be the same for both teams. Not only does this help keep everyone moving in the same direction, but it also helps everyone share in the incremental wins along the way.

#4 Don’t pay attention to detail when delivering

It’s best to keep goals simple, but strategy is a more detailed beast. And this is something that is often overlooked. Surprisingly, strategy is poorly understood by many business leaders and is often confused with a simple statement of business goals (see #3). So what does strategy actually look like, or should it look like? First of all, it’s much more than a mission statement. This should outline each team’s expectations – a clear vision of both what they need to achieve and how to get there. It’s absolutely true that different teams should focus on different things. However, they all flow from and should be worked toward the top-level goal.

Therefore, in our experience, a key aspect of a sound strategy is a comprehensive concept backed by clear tactics for achieving results. A strict hierarchical structure with goals set for each department. and a robust feedback loop that connects all the moving parts all the way to the top.

#5 Choose a leader

Democracy has many benefits, but clear and decisive leadership is needed to ensure products and technology work smoothly and without conflict. We not only set goals, but also provide strategies to steer both teams in the right direction to achieve broader business outcomes. This responsibility varies by organization. The key is to have accountability and strong leadership to maximize the hard work of both product and technology.

If you would like to discuss any of the topics covered in this blog in more detail, please feel free to contact us.

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Make money with Oziconnect referral program
Make money with Oziconnect referral program
Make money with Oziconnect referral program

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We are a leading IT agency in Lagos, Nigeria, providing IT consulting and custom software development services. We offer a wide range of IT solutions across software development, web and mobile application development, blockchain development services, digital marketing, and branding.

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