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Since the birth of the Internet, the number of abbreviations that have become a reality is huge and somehow still continues to grow. The accumulation of abbreviations like “LOL” and “OMG” never seems to stop circulating through the depths of cyberspace. For decades, we have been living in a world where we can literally shorten the chain of corresponding common words.

BRB, RFP, TL;DR, and many more. In fact, there are so many examples of abbreviations for Internet jargon that Pentagram has created an 83-page glossary. FBI Internet Slang Guide. This clever collection includes over 2,800 acronyms, quizzes on 14 particularly absurd acronyms, and Pentagram’s partner Matt Willey’s two major typefaces. The two fonts are The names Edgar Sands and Clyde Sloven were inspired by the infamous FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and his lieutenant and rumored lover Clyde Tolson.

Pentagram’s latest annual greeting asks readers to decipher the cryptic acronyms found on social media.

Internet terminology is constantly evolving, especially on social media, and can seem incomprehensible to those who haven’t spent most of their lives on the platform. In 2014, the FBI’s Intelligence and Investigations Support Division commissioned a comprehensive study of the terminology, finding that “with the advent of Twitter and other social media venues on the Internet, the use of acronyms and abbreviations has exploded. ” he pointed out. The result is a collection of more than 2,800 entries, ranging from obvious examples like LOL and OMG to more esoteric and funny ones like PWP (plot? What plot?) and NTTAWWT (not that there’s a plot). The result is an 83-page, somewhat absurd glossary. There’s nothing wrong with that), and even design-oriented RFPs (requests for proposals).

This exhaustive list inspired Pentagram’s latest annual greeting, “The FBI Guide to Internet Slang.” The booklet asks readers to identify 14 abbreviations of varying degrees of difficulty or absurdity, and the answers are provided at the end of the book. The acronym is set in his two custom typefaces, designed by Pentagram partner Matt Willey, and is based on the marks that appear on the agency’s uniforms. especially in popular media. The two fonts are Edgar Sands and Clyde Slabs was named after longtime FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and his lieutenant and alleged lover Clyde Tolson. Additional examples appear as a letterpress pattern on the double-page cover, printed with black foil stamping on a black background.

The number of copies of the booklet is limited, and the sale ends once stock runs out. To receive it, simply submit proof of a donation of any size to the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), a nonprofit organization working to protect civil liberties in the digital realm. Make your donation here, then forward a copy or screenshot of your donation receipt to

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Make money with Oziconnect referral program
Make money with Oziconnect referral program
Make money with Oziconnect referral program

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