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Sm;)e book This is a project curated by DB Birkemamformer UK rave DJ, current creative and art curator, and rich broadartist, creative director, designer.

For the past five years, they have collaborated on a project to unearth the complex and expansive history of one of modern culture’s most iconic symbols: the yellow smiley face. The research resulted in a book celebrating the smiley face’s influence on art, music, pop and alternative culture.

Sm:)e Book Praise Smiley Face

The book you hold in your hand represents Rich Browse and my love for an icon who has lived many different lives. It is still being reinterpreted and inspires creativity. I can’t think of a better symbol in the history of graphic design. He had such duality as both a positive promoter of the mainstream and at the same time a counterculture disruptor of that mainstream.DB Berkman

Sm:)e Book Praise Smiley Face

“Smiley iconography has been around for almost 60 years, starting in 1963 when Harvey Ball was given a simple graphic design job to boost employee morale at an insurance company. There has been a wide variety of expressions and appropriations in a variety of mediums, including design, alternative & independent music, skateboarding, graffiti culture, high & low fashion, and even fine art. It’s been woven into and winked at the zeitgeist and cultural fabric.” You can read it on the Kickstarter campaign page

Sm:)e Book Praise Smiley Face

Smiley face art comes from everything from music and movies (like Nirvana and Billy Madison) to symbols of the hippie, punk, grunge, and rave eras. From professional sports (like Dennis Rodman’s hair) to graffiti and vandalism (like Eric Foss’ tag) to fine art (like Rob Pruitt and Richard Prince).

Sm:)e Book Praise Smiley Face

Leave the tools behind, Sm;) The e-book is a carefully selected collection of artwork incorporating yellow smiley faces from some of the most important visual communicators of our time.

It’s such a simple mark that it’s no surprise that it’s been overturned for generations. That’s why I’m so excited to introduce you to some of my favorite artists who continue this tradition today, and I’m happy to do it with DB. Please remember Sm;)e. ” Rich Broad says

Sm:)e Book Praise Smiley Face

Rich Broad (left), Paul Insect + Best (right)

This book includes work by some of the world’s most powerful visual communicators. alex da corte alex fuller alex trosciutto Alfie Steiner alicia mccarthy anthony sarcone Aurel Schmidt banksy carlos valencia Jake and Dinos Chapman, Chris Alborano cody hudson Curtis Kulig DB Berkman derek gardner destroy all monsters, Eric Elms Eric Foss Greg Borgin Inview, invader, james coty james joyce Jeremy Deller Cutlet mark flood Matthew Nichols Misaki Kawai Norman Cook (aka Fatboy Slim), Patrick Rocha, Paul Insect + Vest, Paul Weston philip gerard Rachel MacLaine richard prince rich broad rob pruitt Ron English Sadie Benning Thayer Gomez skull phone, Tyrrell Winston wolfgang tillmans Yon Jake and 1UP Crew.

As I write this, we are in the midst of the worst pandemic in 100 years, while demonstrations and violence are taking to the streets to protest police brutality and systemic injustice against Black communities. It’s breaking out. If ever there was a time for this ideogram to play its role, it’s now. We hope to help you Sm;)e.DB Berkman

Sm:)e Book Praise Smiley Face

Sm:)e Book Praise Smiley Face

Sm:)e Book Praise Smiley Face

To publish the book, the authors are currently running a campaign on Kickstarter, and The Sm;)e Book is currently available for pre-order for $15. Until November 6th.
(Note: 10% of sales from this book will be donated directly to, which empowers at-risk children through skateboarding and education in Afghanistan, Cambodia, and South Africa.)

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Make money with Oziconnect referral program
Make money with Oziconnect referral program
Make money with Oziconnect referral program

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