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This quick tip is excerpted from Unleash the power of TypeScriptSteve shows you how to use polymorphic components in TypeScript.

In my article, Extending HTML Element Properties in TypeScript, I mentioned that in the process of building large applications, you tend to end up creating several wrappers around components. Box A primitive wrapper around basic block elements in HTML, e.g. <div>, <aside>, <section>, <article>, <main>, <head>, and so on). But just as we don’t want to lose all the semantic meaning we get from these tags, we also don’t want multiple variations of the tags. Box It’s all basically the same. What we want to do is Box But you can also specify what’s inside.a polymorphic component is a single adaptable component that can represent a variety of semantic HTML elements, and TypeScript automatically adjusts to these changes.

I’m going to give you an overly simplistic view here. Box Elements inspired by styled components.

And here is an example Box Components of Paste, Twilio’s design system:

<Box as="article" backgroundColor="colorBackgroundBody" padding="space60">
  Parent box on the hill side
    nested box 1 made out of ticky tacky

This is a simple implementation that, like before, does not pass through any properties. Button and LabelledInputProps On top of that:

import  PropsWithChildren  from 'react';

type BoxProps = PropsWithChildren< 'p';

const Box = ( as, children : BoxProps) =>  'div';
  return <TagName>children</TagName>;

export default Box;

we are fine as to TagName, which is a valid component name in JSX. This works as far as React is concerned, but it also requires TypeScript to adapt depending on the element you are defining. as Props:

import  ComponentProps  from 'react';

type BoxProps = ComponentProps<'div'> &  'article' ;

const Box = ( as, children : BoxProps) => ;

export default Box;

Honestly, I don’t even know if I like the elements <section> It has this characteristic. <div> I don’t. I’m sure you can look into it, but I don’t see anyone feeling good about this implementation.

But what is it? 'div' is passed there, but how does it work? Looking at the type definition for ComponentPropsWithRefwe find the following:

type ComponentPropsWithRef<T extends ElementType> = T extends new (
  props: infer P,
) => Component<any, any>
  ? PropsWithoutRef<P> & RefAttributes<InstanceType<T>>
  : PropsWithRef<ComponentProps<T>>;

All three terms can be ignored.we are interested ElementType right now:

type BoxProps = ComponentPropsWithRef<'div'> & 
  as: ElementType;

I see, that’s interesting. But what if you want to specify type arguments? ComponentProps will be the same as… as?

we did it Try something like:

import  ComponentProps, ElementType  from 'react';

type BoxProps<E extends ElementType> = Omit<ComponentProps<E>, 'as'> & 
  as?: E;

const Box = <E extends ElementType="div">( as, ...props : BoxProps<E>) => 
  const TagName = as ;

export default Box;

Now, Box The component is as Props.

Box with button props

is now available. Box Anywhere a component can be used, <div>:

<Box as="section" className="flex place-content-between w-full">
  <Button className="button" onClick=decrement>
  <Button onClick=reset>Reset</Button>
  <Button onClick=increment>Increment</Button>

The final result is polymorphic Branch of this tutorial’s GitHub repository.

This article is an excerpt from Unleash the power of TypeScriptavailable from SitePoint Premium and e-book retailers.

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Make money with Oziconnect referral program
Make money with Oziconnect referral program
Make money with Oziconnect referral program

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