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Method 1: Display images using markdown syntax

The easiest way is to switch your Jupyter cell to Markdown format and pass the image in Markdown syntax.

![alt text](image_path)

The format consists of three parts.

  1. Exclamation mark!
  2. square brackets [] Alternate text is displayed if image is not found
  3. brackets () the image you want to display

The image path can be one of the following

  • Image URL
  • Local image path (absolute/relative)

Below are examples of each variation.

**Image URL**

![Sample Image](

**Local Relative Path**

![Sample Image](metadata/samoyed.jpg)

**Local Absolute Path**

![Sample Image](/mypath/to/metadata/samoyed.jpg)

Check the code in Jupyter Notebook

trade off:

Strong Points:

  1. Frank
  2. Simple syntax and easy to remember


  1. Changes such as resizing are not possible.

The advantage of this approach is that it is very simple. Once you do it a few times, you’ll remember it in the back of your mind. However, the downside is that there is no knob to adjust the image size. This is often necessary when working with images from multiple sources.

Method 2: Display images with HTML syntax

If you’re familiar with front-end stacks, HTML is not foreign to you.

<img src="image_path" width="width_length" height="height_length" alt="alt text">

The src parameter is required, the rest are optional.

<img src="image_path">

Similar to the previous method, image_path can be obtained from various sources as shown below.

**Image URL**

<img src="">

**Local Relative Path**

<img src="metadata/samoyed.jpg">

**Local Absolute Path**

<img src="mypath/to/metadata/samoyed.jpg">

Check the code in Jupyter Notebook

When you resize an image, the aspect ratio of the image is maintained even if you change either (width/height). This is useful instead of trying to run it several times (between different width and height combinations) to see the result of the image.

<img src="metadata/samoyed.jpg" width="250">

Check the code in Jupyter Notebook

trade off:

Strong Points:

  1. Can be adjusted in size (width, height, or both)


  1. Adoption curve is small when users are unfamiliar with HTML syntax

Import the required libraries

To display images using Python, install the following libraries: requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt

The dependencies are shown below.


Similarly, the image source can be one of the following options:

# Image URL

Image(url = image_url, width=value, height=value)

# Local Relative/Absolute Path

Image(filename = "path/to/image", width=value, height=value)

Image can be adjusted with parameters width and height.

An example is shown below.



# Adjust the size

Image(filename="metadata/samoyed.jpg", width="250") # use either one to keep the aspect ratio

Check the code in Jupyter Notebook

trade off:

Strong Points:

  1. It works seamlessly during the development phase, especially when using Python.


  1. Low adoption curve for first-time users.

For more advanced tasks such as drawing rectangles on images.

Please check the code below.

%matplotlib inline
%matplotlib widget

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import matplotlib.patches as patches

#change R, B axis to correctly display color
outimg = img[:,:,::-1]

imgplot = plt.imshow(outimg, aspect = "auto")

# Create figure and axes
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)

# Display the image

rectleftup = (50, 120)
rectwidth = 260
rectheight = 220
linewidth = 2

# Create a Rectangle patch
rect = patches.Rectangle(rectleftup, rectwidth, rectheight, linewidth=linewidth,
edgecolor='b', fill = False)

# Add the patch to the Axes
_ = ax.add_patch(rect)

Check the code in Jupyter Notebook

Look forward to the next post Part 2: View videos in Jupyter Notebook.

thank you for reading.

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Make money with Oziconnect referral program
Make money with Oziconnect referral program
Make money with Oziconnect referral program

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