To add a settings tab to WooCommerce, you need to create a custom settings page in your WordPress admin panel where you can define and manage various options related to your WooCommerce store.
To achieve this, you can use a combination of PHP hooks and WordPress hooks. Here are the steps to add a custom settings tab to WooCommerce:
Create a custom plugin
It’s a best practice to create a custom WooCommerce plugin to add custom functionality to your online store.
This separates your code from your theme and ensures that your custom tabs will continue to work even if you switch themes.
a. Create a new directory in your WordPress plugins folder. custom-woocommerce-settings
Woocommerce company? read more
b. Inside this directory, create a PHP file similar to the following: custom-woocommerce-settings.php
c. Run the following code custom-woocommerce-settings.php
<?php /* Plugin Name: Custom WooCommerce Settings Description: Add custom settings to WooCommerce. */ // Add a custom tab to the WooCommerce settings function custom_woocommerce_settings_tab($settings_tabs) $settings_tabs['custom_tab'] = 'Custom Tab'; return $settings_tabs; add_filter('woocommerce_settings_tabs_array', 'custom_woocommerce_settings_tab', 50); // Display the content of the custom tab function custom_woocommerce_settings_content() // Add your custom settings content here echo '<h2>Custom Tab Content</h2>'; echo '<p>Add your custom settings here.</p>'; add_action('woocommerce_settings_tabs_custom_tab', 'custom_woocommerce_settings_content'); // Save custom settings function save_custom_woocommerce_settings() // Add code to save your custom settings here add_action('woocommerce_update_options_custom_tab', 'save_custom_woocommerce_settings'); ?>
d. Enable the custom plugin from your WordPress admin panel.
Add custom settings
‘ function allows you to add custom configuration fields using WooCommerce’s built-in functions.
like ‘woocommerce_text_input
These settings save_custom_woocommerce_settings
After following these steps, you will see a custom tab in your woocommerce settings. Just look at the image below.
Customize tab content
Customize the content of the custom tab as per your requirements. You can use HTML, CSS, and PHP to display the settings and information you need.
Save your changes and go to WooCommerce settings in your WordPress admin panel. You should see a custom tab there with the content you added.
You can follow these steps to add a custom tab with settings specific to your WooCommerce store.
Store your settings and handle any additional features you need within the custom tab.
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