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If you’re trying to learn Python, know that you’ve chosen a worthy goal.

Here’s why:

  1. Python is the most in-demand programming language today (approximately 70,000 job openings)
  2. Python has many applications that are currently relevant, including web development, game development, data science, and machine learning.
  3. This is one of the easiest and fastest languages ​​you can learn.

This raises the following questions: How long does it really take to become proficient at Python programming?.

Different levels of Python skill may take relatively less or longer time to accomplish.

This article describes the following schedules:

  • Master the basics well,
  • Call yourself a Python developer
  • Learn data science with Python,
  • Be qualified enough to land one of the 70,000 Python development jobs.

How much time to spend learning Python for each skill level

Note: Most of these timespans build on each other, so you need to sum them. For example, to prepare for a job, you must first go through all the preliminary steps and then prepare for the interview.

Python learning timeline

1-2 weeks / 25 hours total – Learn the basics with guided resources

As a beginner to Python programming, it’s important not to get overwhelmed by all the information out there. That’s because you might end up trying to figure it all out and giving up after a few days (or even hours).
That’s why we recommend enrolling in a smartly structured Python course. It is enough to follow the roadmap set by the course. You’ve now overcome your biggest obstacle: learning the basics of the language.

Learning Python 101 doesn’t take long. Popular courses on Codecademy Learn Python 3For example, it only takes about 25 hours of learning to become familiar with the basic syntax and elements of Python.

Learn Python 3

9 weeks / 200 hours – Learn more Python programming concepts

If you just want to take your time and learn the basics, you can stop after 25 hours of study.

But perhaps you want to go further and improve your skills?

Here are the next steps and the minimum time required to complete them:

  • 120 hours (6 times a week, 4 hours for about 5 weeks): Master all data structures Sets, stacks, queues, dictionaries, tuples, etc.
  • 80 hours (approximately 3-4 weeks): Learn programming concepts Object-oriented programming, properties, data types, exceptions, libraries, etc.

2-4 weeks / 50-100 hours – Writing simple software in Python

It’s time to test your hard-earned Python skills in the real world.

Also, keep learning as you develop your app. Please take the time to explore additional resources on Python. Learn free documentation, tutorials, Python books, and advanced courses. Everything you need from your software will influence what you learn next.

Once you’ve built your own application in Python, you’ve earned the right to call yourself a legitimate application. Python developer.

6 weeks / 150 hours – Data analysis / data science learning

Data analysis is a major use case for the Python language. Python is simple and powerful for creating, manipulating, and visualizing data. If you want to work with data in your own projects, or are aiming for a career as a data analyst or data scientist, your best bet is to learn how to use Python in these applications.

This topic may seem daunting at first, but if you take the time to learn the necessary algorithms, mathematical concepts, and Python libraries and commands, you’ll be able to use Python to create your own analyzes and data visualizations. You will be able to do it.

There are also many great online courses that teach Python for data analysis and data science.

4 weeks / 100 hours – Master advanced Python

To continue your journey to fully learning Python, start learning advanced Python concepts such as:

  • recursive function
  • Generator
  • logging
  • test
  • functional programming
  • database operations
  • simultaneous programming
  • introduction

Even with over 500 hours of accumulated expertise (and sometimes advanced Python resources), it will take at least 100 hours to understand and learn how to apply advanced Python concepts.

6 Weeks / 150 Hours – Get Job Ready

During your job interview as a Python developer, you will need to:

  • Take your knowledge of data structures and algorithms to an expert level.
  • Practice solving DSA coding problems using Python
  • Refresh your general knowledge about language concepts and features

You should calculate that it will take you at least 150 hours to accomplish this. As you prepare, you may discover weaknesses in your Python skills. If that’s the case, you’ll probably need to spend more time honing those skills.


Is it possible to learn Python in 3 months?

It is possible to reach a certain level of proficiency in Python programming within three months. That amount of time alone won’t make you an expert Python developer, but with hours of practice a day, you can master the basics and build good intermediate skills in 12 weeks.

Can I learn Python in 2 months?

If you are just getting started with Python, two months is enough time to learn the basics of Python. You’ll be able to read and understand a lot of Python code, and you’ll be able to write your own scripts and create your first simple application. But it’s impossible to become a Python expert in just two months.

Can I learn Python in a week?

You can’t learn Python to a high level in just one week. What you can do is learn how to install Python sources and libraries and how to create simple output on screen, such as “Hello World.” For example, if you need a basic script to perform a simple operation on your website, you may be able to learn enough Python to do it within a week.

How many hours does it take to learn Python?

It takes just a few hours to learn how to print “Hello World” to the screen in Python. Expect to spend at least 25 hours to fully understand the basics of the language. If your goal is to get a job as a Python developer, you need to invest at least 700 hours into learning Python at an advanced level.

how long per day Is it necessary to learn Python?

Two hours a day for two weeks is enough to learn the basics of Python. However, considering that it takes over 500 hours to reach a moderately advanced level, you would need to study Python for 5 months, 4 hours per day, to get there.

How long does it take to learn Python for data analysis?

To learn the basics of data analysis using Python, you should budget around 20 hours, assuming you are already familiar with the language itself. If your goal is to reach a more advanced level of data analysis and data science using Python, you will need at least 150 hours of in-depth study.

How long does it take to learn advanced Python?

Some courses on advanced Python concepts only take about 10-15 hours, but are a good way to get an overview. However, it will take you more than 100 hours to deeply learn and master advanced Python.

How long does it take to fully learn Python?

Some may argue that it is impossible to fully learn any programming language, but to reach the highest level of Python programming, it takes anywhere from 700 hours to thousands of hours to thoroughly learn Python. , plan to apply what you’ve learned at each step. .

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Make money with Oziconnect referral program
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Make money with Oziconnect referral program

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