Magento 2 Multi Vendor ChatGPT Content Generator extension allows the marketplace vendors to generate AI content for product description and SEO using ChatGPT.
Apart from that, the marketplace admin will be able to generate the content for products, categories, and CMS pages as required using the ChatGPT and the SEO content as well.
The admin and the marketplace vendors will be able to create the prompt templates that will be used to instruct the ChatGPT to create the respective contents as per the set prompts.
Note: This extension is an add-on to the Multi Vendor Marketplace. So, you must first have installed it before making use of the extension.
Magento 2 Company ? Read More
- ChatGPT 3.5 and ChatGPT 4 Model support.
- Add a short description for products using ChatGPT.
- Description for products can be added using page builder by clicking Fill Description with ChatGPT.
- Fill the description based on a custom query by typing the query in the textarea/page builder like \query.
- Add a description even if the page builder is disabled.
- Short descriptions for multiple products can be added at once using Mass Action.
- Add descriptions for multiple products at once using Mass Action.
- Choose product Attributes to fill short description and description in Mass Action to be based on.
- Enable/disable the module.
- Multi-Lingual Support.
- Import SEO Content for products using ChatGPT.
- Add Category Description using ChatGPT.
- Import SEO Content for categories using ChatGPT.
- Add CMS page description using page builder by clicking Fill Description with ChatGPT.
- Fill CMS page description based on custom query by typing the query in the textarea/page builder like \query.
- Add CMS page description using ChatGPT even if the page builder is disable.
- Able to add descriptions for CMS pages using Mass Action.
- Add SEO Content for CMS pages using Mass Action.
- Add ChatGPT Prompt Templates.
- Enable/disable Prompt Templates
- Choose ChatGPT Prompt Template for Product Description
- Able to choose ChatGPT Prompt Template for Category Description
- Choose ChatGPT Prompt Template for CMS Pages Description
- Can choose to allow sellers to use Admin credentials in case seller credentials are not available.
- View Seller Prompt Templates from Separate Grid.
- View/edit Seller Prompt Templates.
- Mass Delete Prompt Templates.
- Add/edit the ChatGPT API secret key.
- Add a short description for products using ChatGPT.
- Descriptions for the products generates using ChatGPT.
- Fill the description based on the custom query by typing the query in the textarea like query.
- Add short descriptions for multiple products at once using Mass Action.
#Download Module
Firstly, you need to log in to Webkul Store, go to My Account>My Purchased Products section, verify and then download and extract the contents of this zip folder on the system.
#Upload Folder
Once the module zip extracts, follow path src>app and then copy the app folder into the Magento 2 root directory on the server as shown below:
# Run Commands
You need to run the following commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade php bin/magento setup:di:compile php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy php bin/magento indexer:reindex php bin/magento cache:flush
For translating the module language, navigate through src/app/code/Webkul/MpChatGPTContentGenerator/i18n and edit the en_US.csv file.
Thereafter, rename the CSV as “en_SA.csv” and translate all right side content after the comma in the Arabic language. After editing the CSV, save it.

Now, upload it to the path src/app/code/Webkul/MpChatGPTContentGenerator/i18n where the installation of Magento 2 is on the server.
The module translates into the Arabic Language. It supports both RTL and LTR languages.
The user can edit the CSV like the image below.

How to get the OpenAI Credentials?
The user has to first create an OpenAI account and log in to the OpenAI dashboard as shown in the screenshot.

Now the user will have to click on the Personal in the top-right corner and a popup will appear. The user will click on the View API Keys option.

A page will open and a button Create New Secret Key will be visible as shown in the screenshot.

Once, the user clicks on this button a pop-up will display with the API key. The user can copy the key from here with the help of the copy button.

Initial Configuration Settings – Admin End
After the installation of the Magento 2 Multi Vendor ChatGPT Ai extension, the admin will navigate through Store->Configuration->Marketplace ChatGPT Content Generator.

Here, the admin will –
- Enable the module by choosing the YES option else disable it by selecting a No option.
- Enter the OpenAI secret key.
- Choose the ChatGPT models as 3.5 or 4 and enter the API key accordingly in the previous step.
- Enable the option to use admin credentials if the sellers have not added their OpenAI credentials.
- Choose the attribute based on which the content generates – Product Name, SKU, Meta Title, Image label, Small Image label, Thumbnail Label, URL Key, Product Purchase Limit For Customer, Description, Short Description, Meta Keywords, and Meta Description.
- Enable the import of SEO content.
- Choose the SEO attributes for the Product, Category, and CMS Pages that will be generated – Meta Title, Meta Keywords, and Meta Description.
- Enable the use of prompt templates that help in generating the content as required.

Apart from the above configurations, the admin will also be able to –
- Select the created prompt template for the product description.
- Choose the created prompt template for the category description.
- Select the created prompt template for the CMS Pages description.
Note: The prompt templates need to be created first only after that you will be able to select them as required.
ChatGPT Options – Under Marketplace Management
After finishing the initial configuration settings the admin will find the ChatGPT option under the Marketplace Management side panel with 2 sub-options –
- Prompt Templates
- Seller Prompt Templates.

Here, the admin will be able to view and create the prompt templates for himself and view the seller prompt templates for content generation.
Prompt Templates:
Here, the admin will find all of the created prompt templates as per the requirements.

To create a new prompt template tap the Add New Prompt Template button and that brings up the below section.

Here, for the prompt template, the admin will –
- Enter the template title.
- Choose the category, sub-category, and then the respective template.
- Choose the language for the prompt template.
- Edit the prompt template as required.
Lastly, save the prompt template as required.
Seller Prompt Templates:
Under this section, the admin will be able to view, delete, and edit the vendor prompt templates as required.

After editing a prompt template for the seller, the admin can make changes and save it.

Admin – Generate Product Descriptions
Now, to generate the product’s short and long description, the admin will navigate to the product listing section by navigating through Catalog->Products and edit a product.
Then go to the Content->Short Description.

Here, the admin will find the “Fill description with Chat GPT” button. Tap it to generate the content depending on the configuration set for the attribute to use for the content generation.
The content generates according to the set prompt template for the product description.

Similarly, the admin can generate the description for the product. The admin can generate the content using the ChatGPT even if the Page Builder is enable.

If the page builder is not enable then the admin will find the “Fill description with Chat GPT” button for the description in the same way as for the short description.
Tapping the Edit with Page Builder button brings up the below section.

From the side panel under the Chat GPT option, there is the HTML Code. Drag and drop it. After that tap the Edit option for the HTML code. This brings up the below section.

Here, tap the Fill description with Chat GPT button to generate the description for the product. The content generated depends on the attribute selected for the content generation in the admin configuration for the extension.
Also, the instructions are given by the respective prompt template to generate the content in a particular way. After tapping the button the content generates as per the snapshot below.

Product SEO Content Generation:
The admin can generate the SEO content using Chat GPT according to the selected attribute as shown in the screenshot.

Note: SEO content import will work in the case of mass action only.
For the SEO content generation, the admin has to navigate through Catalog>Products>Action>Import AI Content.
Here, for mass upload of SEO content on the basis of the product attribute, the admin will select the products and from the actions drop-down select the Import AI Content option store view-wise.

After selecting the respective store view, a pop-up appears for confirmation. tap the Ok button thereafter.

Moreover, you can see the SEO content generates store view-wise for multiple products.

After the process is complete, you can see a success message for the same.

Admin – Generate Category Description & SEO Content
The admin will navigate through Catalog->Categories and select a category for which the description needs to be generated.

Kindly note, in case the page builder is not active even then the admin will be able to generate the category description.
Now, go to the description section and tap the Edit with Page Builder button. After that, drag and drop the HTML code section under the Chat GPT and edit the HTML code as per the below image.

This brings up the section where the admin can generate the category description by tapping the Fill description with Chat GPT.

After tapping the respective button the category description generates as per the category prompt template selected for the same.

To generate the SEO content for the category, go to the Search Engine Optimization section.
Here, tap the Import AI Content button.

The content generates, and is visible in the respective sections for the meta title, keywords, and description as per the snapshot below.

Admin – Generate CMS Pages Content & SEO
The admin will navigate through Content->Pages. Here, select the pages for which the page description and SEO content need to be generated in mass action. At a time either you can generate the Page content or the SEO content.

After tapping on the Page content a pop-up appears, tap OK on the same.

This will start generating the CMS page description.

Now, you can edit the page to check the page content and the SEO content.
Page content:

In a similar way, the CMS page SEO content can also be generated.
SEO Content:

Sellers – ChatGPT Configuration
After logging into the seller account, the sellers on their side panel can see the two ChatGPT options –
- ChatGPT Configuration
- ChatGPT Prompt Templates

ChatGPT Configuration:
Under this section, the vendors can make the initial configuration settings for the ChatGPT.

Here, the vendor will be able to –
- Add their OpenAI account API key(depending on if the admin has enabled this option).
- Choose the ChatGPT models as 3.5 or 4 and enter the API key accordingly in the previous step.
- Choose the product attribute based on which the ChatGPT content will be generated.
- Choose the SEO attributes that can be generated for the products.
- Choose to enable the use of prompt templates.
- Select the Product description prompt template from the available ones.
Lastly, tap the Save Config button to save the initial configuration settings.
Note: The vendor first needs to create the prompt template or can choose the admin prompt template for his product description.
ChatGPT Prompt Templates:
Under this section, the vendors will have two options –
- My Prompt Templates
- Add New Prompt Template

My Prompt Templates:
Here, the vendors will find all of the created prompt templates using the Multi Vendor ChatGPT Content generator. The vendors can also see the admin-created prompt templates.

The vendors can also manage the prompt templates under this section and can edit or delete the template as required.

Add New Prompt Template:
Under this section, the vendors can add a new prompt template as required using the Multi Vendor ChatGPT Content Generator.

Here, the vendor will –
- Enter the title description
- Choose the respective category, then the sub-category, and lastly, the template.
- Choose the language in which the content should be generated.
Lastly, save the template as required.
Sellers – Add Product Description & SEO Content
Product Description:
The vendors will navigate to their product listing section, and edit a product for which they want to generate the descriptions.

For the description and short description, there is a button – “Fill description with ChatGPT”. Tapping that up generates the content for the product depending upon the prompt template selected by the vendor.

For the short description as well you can generate the ChatGPT content depending on the prompt template selected.

Now, the content gets generated.

SEO Content:
To generate the product’s SEO content, the seller has to navigate to the SEO section and tap the Import AI SEO content button.

Tapping the respective button, the SEO content for the product generates.

Apart from that, the vendors can mass generate the product descriptions and the SEO content as well.

So, that is all about the Magento 2 Multi Vendor ChatGPT Content Generator extension. If you have any queries regarding the plugin, please contact us at Webkul Support System.
If you’re looking to create a custom e-commerce website, it’s a great idea to hire Magento developers who can help you build a powerful and scalable online store.
Also, check our complete Magento 2 extensions list.
Current Product Version – 5.0.1
Supported Framework Version – Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x,2.3.x, 2.4.x