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Paul Saleh, one of the most influential graphic designers working today, has reached a significant milestone by being nominated for a Grammy Award.His work on the They Might Be Giants album Book It was recently nominated for Best Box or Special Limited Edition Packaging along with photographer Brian Carlson.

Mr. Saleh, who has worked as a designer for many years, remained stubbornly independent. He frequently contributes visuals. new york times, designed book covers for authors such as Chuck Klosterman, Malcolm Gladwell, and Clarice Lispector. I had a chance to speak with him about this honor and his initial reaction to the big news.

Did you know that this work has been submitted to the Grammy Awards? Have you ever submitted your own work? How long have you been working with They Might Be Giants?

Hooray. He has been the band’s unofficial designer at large since 2012. There were other projects that were submitted that we did, but to be honest, I never really thought about them. A Grammy nomination seemed (and still is) a no-go for a variety of reasons. This is mainly because almost everything I designed for “They Might Be Giants” was something I wanted to make for the sake of making it. The great thing about nominations is that they give you time to think things through. all What an amazing thing we have created together over the years.

Could you please tell me more about Book How did you approach the design?

Book This is the 23rd studio album by They Might Be Giants. It is an album that is also a physical book containing lyrics and a photo collection. At 12″ x 12″, it’s the same size as his LP on vinyl.The idea is in classical surrealism betrayal of image The album is titled Mold. Book.Since it is an actual book, I would say it is an album. album That’s misleading, right?

[TMBG band member] John Flansburg and I have been talking about publishing a book for several years. Many false starts led us here. We met Brian Carlson through photographer Gus Powell. Brian’s street sensibilities collide with his TMBG music in all sorts of interesting ways. John, Brian, and I pored over his images and made various edits.

As I have done with many other TMBG projects, I intentionally abandoned my current production methods. I really liked the idea of ​​the typewriter forcing a kind of physical performance in each song, and the typeplay reacting to the images in different ways. This type echoes songs and images in some cases and ignores them in others.

The inconvenience of a typewriter forces us to improvise and create in ways that feel new, even with outdated technology. A few years ago, we created an epic 9-part music video for TMBG’s song “Tesla”, shot entirely on 8mm film. This took him six months, and every day was a challenge. There wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t ask myself why I was doing this to myself. When I was typing endlessly in the studio at 2 a.m., I never expected to be nominated for a Grammy. That’s wonderful, but at the same time it’s inexplicable. Book It’s the exact opposite of how technology is driving everything. Manually enter a 144-page book [as we approach] 2023 is ridiculous. But perhaps Auto-Tune is [feel] Interesting/new for the first time in 50 years.

Is it true that you entered everything manually? (And what happened when you made a mistake?) How did you design what you were typing in real time?

Yes, completely. However, the designer started his work by having Woojoo Im and his Shiqing Chen try out the songs on the computer. Shiqing was in China and Woojoo was in South Korea, and they didn’t have access to his Selectric typewriter, so they used InDesign to research after research to find the closest monospace typeface they could find. created.

Meanwhile, I bought an IBM Selectric III typewriter on eBay.Mine is tan (I Really I wanted the red one). I found a place called Leptronics and had them repair it. As it turns out, the Leptronics were found running out of the owner’s garage somewhere in suburban New Jersey. The Selectric III is from the late 1970s and the one I purchased was the self-correcting model. I started with the idea of ​​entering all text manually, including corrections. I piggybacked on the research produced by Shiqing and Woojoo. When I made a mistake, I could correct it with the backspace key with the little “x” on it, as long as the paper was still in the typewriter carriage. However, once the paper was removed from the carriage, I had to use whiteout. As a result, I spent a significant amount of time typing during the coronavirus lockdown. There was a period of 3-4 weeks of inactivity before the new ribbon cartridge arrived.

What I liked about using Selectric III is that you can use a variety of typefaces. Type balls (golf ball sized metal balls) can be replaced on the spot.

type ball that is expanded to Book was:

  • home delivery
  • old english
  • letter gothic
  • Script
  • OCR-A
  • manifold
  • symbol
  • orator
  • dual gothic

How do you work with TMBG? Do they always approve of all your ideas?

The All They Might Be Giants project begins and ends with John Flansburg. John often comes to me with ideas. He sometimes collaborates. In some cases, you may have specific needs. Sometimes we just make things up. I started my design career in the 1980s by listening to their music while working. I know the band inside and out. Mutual respect goes a long way…

If you win, it will be your first stop to earn EGOT. What is the next challenge to conquer?

I had to look it up. I don’t really have an agenda other than to wake up tomorrow and think, “What am I going to design today?”

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