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Antwerp Art Weekend had to rebuild its identity for 2021 due to the together Vrinz Korstellen, The festival’s branding system leaned towards an overly optimistic and upbeat identity, with a focus on amplifying joy through an interesting graphic system. The bright colors and geometric patterns are very appealing even if you don’t know what they’re for, but when you find out it’s an art-based event, your interest is quickly piqued.

2020 will be the year that Antwerp Art Weekend launches its new website and offers a digital version of its bespoke, user-friendly program for the first time. In addition to the printed booklet that was standard for four years. The pandemic crisis and multiple lockdowns have forced us to stay indoors for extended periods of time that we normally wouldn’t, forcing us to find joy and entertainment in our environments, but most importantly, indoor blackout. Distract yourself through screens.

A big part of Antwerp Art Weekend is its visual identity, which evolves and changes from time to time, and how that identity is communicated to the audience. So, after Antwerp Art decided to cancel rather than postpone and took over the 2020 visual campaign, the idea became clear that the 2021 edition had to present something significantly different.
Autumn and winter are known as the dark seasons, and with Antwerp Art Weekend taking place in May, we had to overcome those seasons and get through some unexpected and very dark seasons.

For its 2021 visual campaign, Antwerp art and design studio Vrinz Kolsteren therefore wanted to convey the opposite, using a bright and luxurious color scheme to suggest and amplify joy. Vrints-Kolsteren started by expanding the grid by dividing it into smaller blocks. This gave us more tiles and lines to puzzle through, making the design more playful. As a result, each item looks completely different, while maintaining a consistent overall identity by adhering to some basic rules. We aimed to convey this feeling to visitors and passersby through the design, and to serve as a light at the end of the tunnel.

project credits
Vrinz Korstellen

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Make money with Oziconnect referral program

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